Basic Needs Hub

BNH Overview

The University’s Basic Needs Hub assists students in crisis/need through either financial assistance or by connecting you with campus/community resources. They are always available and open to *all* enrolled UR students, regardless of your financial situation (although they might ask for financial aid documentation). Do not hesitate to reach out to them if you are ever in need of assistance!! You have a right to this resource.

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Note from Kevin: There is no shame in asking for help, you are more than deserving of it! Even though I come from a very, very low-income household (725 sq ft mobile home), for my first two-ish college years I refrained from reaching out first because I did not know it was an option, then because I wasn’t sure if it would affect me (taxes, tuition, citizenship concerns), and lastly I questioned if I actually deserved it. Since then, I’ve learned a lot (and have contacted them a lot), I am available if you have any questions or would like guidance/pointers in accessing these resources. Being a Kearns Scholar also helps because an advisor from the Kearns Center oversees the BNH process. Since you’re a Scholar, chances are you know each other and they can advocate more personally for you.