From: Out in STEM Date: April 1, 2024 Subject: GMM This Wednesday + New E-Board!
Queers Read This!
Hi, Lego 40516! This is not a drill: Beyonce has released COWBOY CARTER and is now threatening us with another tour. We’ve reached out to the university to secure funding for an oSTEM trip to attend it when announced, but have yet to hear back from them. They’re probably also deciding what to do if she goes on tour during the academic year, but we’ll let you know once we hear how many members we’ll be sending! /s Anyway, below is a debrief of our STEM in Drag event, details for our GMM this week, our newly elected E-Board members, and more.
Last Week, This Week
GMM 5: Interviews Redo this Wednesday at 7 pm in Douglass 401 !!1!
Thank you so much for coming to our STEM in Drag speaker event this past Saturday, it was such a treat to see you enjoy the lil appetizers, rainbow drinks, and of course the iconic Nicki Mirage! A lot of time and energy went into ensuring the event was the best it could possibly be and we appreciate your support. Our incoming E-Board members for next year also helped us set up and ensure peak coquette aesthetic, tysm!
Nicki spoke about her drag journey, how she used the artform as a creative outlet and tool to queer (verb) academic spaces, and shared what being a living meme is like. She concluded her presentation with a message of hope, reminding us of the importance that our very presence in STEM spaces (occupied predominantly by white cis-het men) is still inherently political. Being a drag performer in Florida, I appreciated her closing remarks and emphasis on especially supporting the trans community.
To demonstrate the tenacity and duality unique to queer people, she juxtaposed her informative breakdown of biosensors research with a performance that had us laughing, celebrating, and gagging!!
Because of a scheduling mishap and our low attendance last GMM (only one member showed up, rude!), we’ve moved the interview prep presentation to this week (read more here) and it will be led by Katie and Leila! Join us this Wednesday (4/3) at 7 pm in Douglass 401 and enjoy the most scrumptious STEM in Dragleftovers. (also CCC is broken, pls ignore that there is no new blue emoji picture, I'm just as devastated)
Coming Up
- 2024-25 E-Board Positions Elections are over! Listed below are all of our E-Board members for the next academic year (in reverse alphabetical order by last name, no favorites–yet) including their position, class year, and astrological sign.
Brianna Simon(she/her) - Co-President, Publicity, and Social Chair, ‘27, Libra Leila Ramirez(they/them) - Liaison, ‘26, Sagittarius Katie Lambright(she/her) - Liaison, ‘26, Cancer Dean Clasby (he/any) - Business Manager, ‘25, Sagittarius Sree Chatterjee (he/they) - Secretary, ‘26, Taurus Rainah Allen(she/her) - Co-President, ‘27, Leo
Congratulations to our new E-Board, Ellie and I can rest easy knowing that our student org will be well taken care of as you cement oSTEM as a cornerstone of UR queer culture & professionalism (btw we’re not dying, we’re just graduating)!
- Website
Browse through our CCC website to take advantage of our compiled Resources & Opportunities (scholarships, conferences, etc.), read more about our iconic E-Board, and find other general oSTEM links. The website is regularly updated, if you spot any issues or know of an R&O we haven’t included, our Feedback Form is always open!
- LGBTQ Leadership Dinner Committee Openings: Apply by April 14, 2024
The LGBTQ Leadership Lecture and Dinner Committee is looking for new members who will help plan the iconic event! I was part of the committee this academic year and loved being a part of this iconic BIC event every semester. Read more about the benefits & responsibilities of the committee and apply here. - Rainbow Graduation: Register by May 1, 2024
Calling all graduating queers! Remember to sign up for the BIC’s Rainbow Graduation by May 1, open to all queer-identifying students from all UR schools. The ceremony will be on May 14 from 3:30 - 5:00 pm and you’ll get rainbow cords for commencement! Register here.
Hi LGBTQ+! Join us for our upcoming bi-weekly meeting from 7-8 pm at Douglass 401! We discuss various things like events planned for the semester, go over conference plans, share social/professional/academic resources, and overall just vibe!
Privacy Note: We are mindful of privacy concerns by members who are selectively/not "out", so only E-Board members have access to registered students. Also, CCC registration is not required to attend! Additional privacy measures are detailed on our website (, but if you have any questions or concerns, always feel free to reach out to us!