From: Out in STEM
Date: November 1, 2023
Subject: Queer Health Recap + GMM Schedule Change

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Queers Read This!

Send your Halloween costumes here pls!  [reply]

    Hi, not cis-het individual (or ally ig)! The weather outside is frightful huh, but this newsletter will hopefully be delightful. Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how to put emojis in these things, but I have just found out how to include attachments (it was cleverly disguised as an “Include Attachments” button on CCC). Just in time to promo the upcoming LGBTQ+ Leadership Lecture + Dinner!! Ellie and I will be competing to see who can devour the most plates since it’s catered by Selena’s (humble brag) and I am starving for something other than Starbucks’s 3D-printed “food” (subtle promo right)! Anyway, queer health resources/gems, a GMM schedule change, and the free dinner registration below.

Last Week

    During our last GMM we celebrated our chapter’s first birthday, devoured cake, and (most importantly) discussed university resources with guest speakers from the Health Promotion Office. The HPO went over all the university health services covered by the mandatory health fee all students pay, what the university’s standard health insurance (Aetna) covers, and what resources and care are specifically available to queer students. Here is their Queer Resource Health Guide which gives more detail on that last point (ie. name change, coming out resources, etc). 
    UHS recently got a Licensed Master Social Worker, Frankie Sampson, who is a great resource especially for low-income students who can’t afford Aetna and need help applying for NY State Medicaid. I’m currently on Medicaid and it would have been such a relief to have Frankie’s help when I was applying for it years ago. Here is a DHS-provided outline of their assistance programs (pages 17 & 18 cover SNAP and Medicaid), but feel free to reach out to Frankie for help in applying/knowing if you are eligible. She is so nice and a UHS gem!!

Coming Up

- GMM Schedule Change V2
    Because of the upcoming oSTEM conference and Thanksgiving break, we are moving our next GMMs of the semester to be on November 17 and December 1. As has become tradition, our Game Night will take place shortly before finals week, more details to come. 
- Graduate Applications Program: Applications due November 1, 2023
    Applying to graduate schools typically costs many hundreds of dollars which poses a major barrier to queer students, who are disproportionately affected by economic hardship. The oSTEM Graduate School Application Program alleviates this burden and connects you with senior queer scientists for application feedback. Read more about the programs here and apply for financial aid here and/or for grad app review here
- Website
    Browse through our CCC website to take advantage of our compiled Resources & Opportunities (scholarships, conferences, etc.), read more about our iconic E-Board, and find other general oSTEM links. The website is regularly updated, if you spot any issues or know of an R&O we haven’t included, our Feedback Form is always open!
- LGBTQ+ Leadership Lecture & Dinner: Registration due by this Friday!
    The BIC’s semi-annual Leadership Lecture has been announced and will feature Phill Wilson, founder of the Black AIDS Institute. This year, the series will be a lecture + dinner combo (catered by Selena’s Mexican Restaurant, so it’s free) in the Feldman Ballroom next Tuesday, November 7, at 6 pm. Register here by this Friday (required)! 
- International LGBTQ+ Student Group
    International queers! Join our besties at the International LGBTQ+ Student Group for their weekly Wednesday meetings at the BIC from 6-7 pm. Their next meeting will be on November 1, you can find more details and contact info through this flyer (link now works, hopefully).

News + Highlight

    Our news and highlight this week are being pushed to next week. In the meantime, here's a hint for the highlight! 


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