From: Out in STEM
Date: November 25, 2024
Subject: End of Semester Karaoke Next Week + EBoard Apps Due Tomorrow!!

oSTEM logo.

Queers Read This!

    Hey _______ (I can’t think of anything right now)! Thanksgiving break is around the corner, which means a lot of things; fun food, seeing family, and probably some interesting discussions at the dinner table (I’m expecting a lot of those this year especially). Whatever the case, I hope you have a restful break and escape from the weather and academics. I originally had a queer highlight for today but it’ll probably be shifted to next week, so I’ll just get right into things!

Next Week

    Our final meeting of the semester will be our Karaoke night on Friday, December 6th from 6-7pm at the BIC in Douglass 3 (yes it’s a date, time and location change unfortunately, but we were almost in Goergen and let’s be honest no one wants to walk over there in the cold). Come on over and bring out your best singing voice before finals - I hear eBoard’s gonna be doing a group performance (oops don’t wanna violate my NDA - I can’t say more).

Coming Up


- Eboard Applications Due November 26th: Link

    The time has now come for Eboard applications!! We don't have any 'open positions' at the moment, but we are looking for two people to help out with our Spring semester planning as a training for the 2025-2026 academic year where we will have many open positions. Whether you’ve been an oSTEM day one or just recently joined, we’d love to have you on our Eboard! Freshmen are encouraged to apply as well! Our deadline for applications is tomorrow November 26th (right before Thanksgiving break) so please apply if you are interested!!

- Biweekly Study Hours Sundays 6-8pm in Douglass 403

    Our next (and final) biweekly study hours will be next Sunday, December 1st (I know I’m sorry I made a boo boo in last week’s email). Please come and stop by, whether you want some extra tutoring or assistance with classes like CS, physics or calculus, or just want to pop by and see what’s up.

- Website

    Visit our CCC website to browse through our compiled Resources & Opportunities (scholarships, conferences, etc.), read more about our iconic E-Board, and find other general oSTEM links. The website is regularly updated, if you spot any issues or know of an R&O we haven’t included, our Feedback Form is always open!


- Point Foundation Scholarship: Applications due by December 5, 2024

    The Point Foundation Flagship Scholarship empowers LGBTQ students who are earning their undergraduate, graduate, & doctoral degrees at accredited colleges in the United States by offering financial support, community resources, and professional development. Flagship Scholarship recipients receive financial support, access to multiple leadership development programs, mentorship or coaching, and the support of a community of scholars and alumni.

- Transgender First Scholarship: Applications due by December 31, 2024

    TFS’s annual $2.5k scholarship is open to trans/non-binary+ college students of all majors. The application is relatively short, but it does ask for a blog/social media post (300-1000 words) on your experiences. Feel free to contact us for blog post guidance if you’d like to go that route.


See you at our next GMM! Have an amazing Thanksgiving break! <3



Study with oSTEM!

Sunday, December 1, 2024
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Private Location (sign in to display)
Add to Google Cal, Outlook, Yahoo, iCal

Need to study for midterms? Having trouble wrapping your head around difficult concepts? Come study with your oSTEM friends with support from tutors from The Learning Center and perhaps even an academic coach.



oSTEM General Feedback Form

This is oSTEM's main form for you to submit any comments, questions, suggestions, opportunity submissions, and/or feedback. You can choose to submit anonymously (CCC may ask you to log in, but that's just to ensure it's from a UR student, not a random internet person) or share your name/email. 

If you run into any issues with the form, please email us at so we can fix it right away.

Complete the Form