From: Out in STEM Date: March 18, 2024 Subject: Greene Center Interviews + E-Board Noms
Queers Read This!
Hi, Gwen! We hope you had a very restful spring break and are ready to serve (the rest of your time in the trenches). Devastated that Miami’s spring break “breakup” ruined my glow-up plans, I called UHS to schedule my BBL there instead. However, I was even more devastated to discover that UHS does not provide those services, so keep me in your prayers! /s Anyway, below are speaker series details, extended E-Board nom noms, and analyst shade.
This Week
Greene Center Advisors this Wednesday at 7 pm in Douglass 401!!!
Continuing our Spring Speaker Series, the Greene Center will be over to share interview prep & elevator pitch tips to help us get ready to get, navigate, and slay your summer internships and jobs. Afterward, we’ll actually be putting your freshly-refined skills to the test by breaking into groups and taking turns doing mock interviews/pitches!
Don’t worry about having to wear your suit & tie (or taking it too seriously for my fellow anxious folks), it’ll be fun and the advisors will be helping throughout. Bring any professional/career questions you’ve got and a queer friend so groups are diverse!
Coming Up
- [Extended!] E-Board Nominations: Nomination Form due this Wednesday @ 7 pm
We’re extending the deadline for you to run for our E-Board for the next academic year! Submit before our meeting this Wednesday where we’ll be announcing who’s running for what (open positions are Secretary, Social Chair, Publicity Chair, Industry/Conference Coordinator, and Business Manager)!!
- Website Changes?
Sooo I’m still waiting for the university’s website analyst to reply to my 18 emails since February because I have several questions and ongoing issues with CCC that keep pushing back the overhaul I’ve got in mind. However, expect some of the new pages going live tonight because a lot of the details are important to establish (but pls don’t judge if some parts look rough/underdeveloped, I’m just a MechE girl, the analyst is supposed to bring in web design/CS). I’ll do a proper Addressing Website Changes profile maybe 2 weeks from now since next week’s newsletter is already jam-packed with opportunities, events, etc. Browse through our CCC website to take advantage of our compiled Opportunities (scholarships, conferences, etc.), read more about our iconic E-Board, and find other general oSTEM links.
- Annual outGRADS Drag Show for Charity: Next Monday (3/25)
Our outGRADS besties/graduate oSTEM chapter is hosting their 2nd Annual Drag Show for Charity next Monday, March 25, from 6-8 pm in the Feldman Ballroom. Tickets to the show are $10/person minimum donation to the Arnett House, a project by the Center for Youth that helps unhoused LGBTQ+ Youth (your donation email/receipt is your ticket to the show) make sure to select "UR Drag Show" fund when donating!
Hi LGBTQ+! Join us for our upcoming bi-weekly meeting from 7-8 pm at Douglass 401! We discuss various things like events planned for the semester, go over conference plans, share social/professional/academic resources, and overall just vibe!
Privacy Note: We are mindful of privacy concerns by members who are selectively/not "out", so only E-Board members have access to registered students. Also, CCC registration is not required to attend! Additional privacy measures are detailed on our website (, but if you have any questions or concerns, always feel free to reach out to us!