From: Out in STEM
Date: January 21
Subject: Welcome Back! Activities Fair + GIM Next Week

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Queers Read This!

     Greetings fellow men and women of our glorious nation! In accordance with the new regime, we will be making a lot of sweeping changes around Rochester, no more pronouns and pride flags, just worshipping the good old US and A.

     Actually just kidding, the government may have said there are only two genders but here at oSTEM, we’re going full in gender panic overdrive mode. Anyways, we hope you had a splendidly spectacular slaying winter break! I know there’s so much going on, from syllabus week, Rochester Monday (srsly why is that a thing???), plus LA’s on fire, TikTok got banned and then unbanned a few minutes later, like I don’t know what timeline we’re living in right now but I sure wish it was a different one.

     Anyways, I’ll keep this brief, but since it’s the start of a new year and new semester, we have the activities fair and GIM to look forward to!

This Week + Next Week

     Visit us at the Winter Activities Fair this Friday at the Goergen Athletic Center (GAC) from 12:30 - 2 pm! Help us brag about oSTEM, possibly get some nice treats (I’m sorry I can’t make promises), and meet the E-Board. See you there!

     Next week, we will have our General Interest Meeting (GIM) in Douglass 403 from 7-8pm on Wednesday, January 29th. Come enjoy some pizza, meet the E-board and fellow queers, and learn about all the fantabulous events we have planned this semester!!

Coming Up


- Website

     Visit our CCC website (which should be edited this coming week) to browse through our compiled Resources & Opportunities (scholarships, conferences, etc.), read more about our iconic E-Board, and find other general oSTEM links. The website is regularly updated, if you spot any issues or know of an R&O we haven’t included, our Feedback Form is always open!


- UR Libraries Summer Internships: Due February 7, 2025

     The UR Libraries Summer Internship Program just posted 7 different listings for paid summer internships (~$15-20/hr) that also offer students on-campus room and board. The program specifies a preference for (not required) rising sophomores and juniors. As an intern within UR Libraries’ summer program (start May 27; work up to August 1; 8-10 weeks of work), students will benefit from a cohort experience, where peers reflect on and share their work but also socialize among and across fellow interns within the program and, as possible, across other summer programs. Students will benefit from mentoring via their manager, library leadership, and the Greene Career Center. If this sounds interesting, you can read more and apply here.

- Recruiting LGBTQ+ Students from the University of Rochester

     The Social Stress Lab in UofR’s psychology department is looking for participants for 60 minute focus group discussions as part of a research study to explore how individuals, both LGBTQ+ and heterosexual, navigate social media advocacy and their identity. The research goal is to better understand social interactions and foster resilience in online spaces. If you’re interested, please email


- Hispanic Scholarship Fund: Applications due by February 15, 2025

     HSF awards $500-5,000 scholarships (need-based) to college students (grad and undergrad) of Hispanic descent, mentorship services, internship/job opportunities, summit access, and more. Phase I takes an average of 30 minutes to complete (no essays, recommendations, or documents required, but there is a 2.5/4.0 GPA minimum), and finalists will be announced in March. Read more about HSF here or apply here.

See you this Friday! <3



oSTEM General Feedback Form

This is oSTEM's main form for you to submit any comments, questions, suggestions, opportunity submissions, and/or feedback. You can choose to submit anonymously (CCC may ask you to log in, but that's just to ensure it's from a UR student, not a random internet person) or share your name/email. 

If you run into any issues with the form, please email us at so we can fix it right away.

Complete the Form