Simulation Gaming Association (URSGA)

The goal of the University of Rochester Simulation Gaming Association is to create an open and welcoming atmosphere for students and community members to come together and play popular tabletop games, including but not limited to board games, Magic: The Gathering, and tabletop roleplaying games. We are a welcoming community of nerds that wants to bring the joys of gaming to all, and we hope to see you soon!

Join Us!











UR students and clubs have access to our extensive collection of Board Games, RPG supplies and RPG books, available to be checked out at any time! For access to the office, contact us at a meeting or at

Want to know what games we have?
Search our Games

Want to know what RPGs we have?
Search our RPGs

Don't see what you want to play? Recommend it to us here: Recommendation form

Events and Activities

Outside of our weekly meetings (Of which we have two), we hold various special events, including One-Shots nights, Games Days, Introduction to Magic: the Gathering, and more!

And, of course, SIMCON, our annual gaming convention, held annually since 1979.

Learn More about the events URSGA holds here:  Events!


URSGA was founded in 1976 to create a place for people to play Simulation Games, Tabletop Games, and all their derivative activities!

Meeting multiple times each week, URSGA boasts an incredibly community surrounding the playing of Board Games, Trading Card Games, Roleplaying Games, Wargames, and more! For nearly 50 years, we've been playing board games, and we'd love to play some with you!