Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can be a member of Outing Club?

    Any undergraduate student at the U of R

  • How can I find out about upcoming outings? How do I sign up?

    Join our CCC group! This will automatically add you to our email list. Every Tuesday we send out an email with links to sign up for day trips the following weekend. Separate emails are sent throughout the school year as opportunities for overnights arise.

  • How do you determine who goes on each outing?

    Day Trips: We determine who's going on a day trip based on the order in which students signed up (first come, first served)

    Overnights: We determine who's going on overnight trips using a random lottery system. Signing up for an overnight lottery indicates your interest and gives you a chance of getting on the trip, but it DOES NOT guarantee you a spot.

  • How do I know if I got on a trip?

    Our Tuesday emails include access to a spreadsheet where you can see our travel rosters for the upcoming weekend. As drivers sign up, the travel roster auto-populates new people in from the waitlist based on the order in which they signed up. On Thursdays, an email goes out to everyone who made it on the outing(s) for that weekend.

  • Do I need to provide my own transportation?

    Nope! We meet up on campus and travel to our destination together.

  • If I drive, do I have to pay for gas?

    No. We are very grateful to all our drivers, and a significant portion of our annual budget goes to covering 100% of gas costs for you.