Emergency Relief

UNICEF provides lifesaving aid to victims of drought, famine, earthquakes, flood and violent conflict


UNICEF shapes education policy, promotes teacher training, creates temporary learning center for kids caught in conflict and provides schools with classroom materials.

Health Care

UNICEF provides vaccines to 45% of all children and promotes high-impact health interventions for mothers and children

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (Wash)

In poor and conflict-affected communities, UNICEF provides water and improves sanitation and hygiene to prevent waterborne illness.

Child Protection

UNICEF works to end child marriage, labor and conscription, unite families after disaster, and strengthen national protection systems.

Our Mission

United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) USA at the University of Rochester partners with UNICEF USA to activate the local community by advocating, building community, fundraising, and speaking out for UNICEF's child survival work in over 190 countries.

Our Team

Eowyn Kroening Profile

Eowyn Kroening

Maggie Sulce Profile

Maggie Sulce

Publicity Chair
Anika Sharma Profile

Anika Sharma

Communications Chair
Hanan Allen Profile

Hanan Allen

Caleb Lee Profile

Caleb Lee

Courtney Jones Profile

Courtney Jones

Sharon Lin Profile

Sharon Lin

Helen Kim Profile

Helen Kim

Enson Chen Profile

Enson Chen

Business Manager

E: unicef.ur@gmail.com


United States