Black Students' Union

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

We, the students of the Black Students' Union (BSU) at the University of Rochester was founded upon the intent to promote social and cultural awareness, to foster diversification, and develop community relations within the University. The Black Students' Union strives to provide a vehicle and forum for the articulation and expression of views and interests of the Black students at the University of Rochester, provide educational, cultural, and social programs relevant to the needs of Black students at the University, foster and maintain active relations amongst and between the Union, and its faculty and staff as well as enhance relations amongst the Union, and the University's student body. In addition to establishing channels of communication between the Union and that of the City of Rochester, the Black Students' Union fosters the recognition of the educational and cultural needs of Black students at the University by promoting Black cultural awareness in all areas, and to establish a platform which provides as such.









Members Benefits

Our membership benefits include annual events such as BlackOut, Kwanzaa, our annual Step Show and more. These events are catered towards the black ad brown community at the University of Rochester, as well as our weekly general membership meetings in which we discuss topics that are prevalent within the black community.

Events & Activities

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Exclusive Resources

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel graeco dicunt id, ex pro hendrerit definitiones, vix ea ancillae abhorreant deterruisset. Et enim magna molestiae vim.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mel graeco dicunt id, ex pro hendrerit definitiones, vix ea ancillae abhorreant deterruisset. Et enim magna molestiae vim.

Our Team

Nene Traore Profile

Nene Traore

Hanan Allen Profile

Hanan Allen

Kevin Johnson Profile

Kevin Johnson

Programming/Event Chair
Liliya Samuel Profile

Liliya Samuel

Additional Officer
Khia Williams Profile

Khia Williams

Additional Officer
Mya Dickerson Profile

Mya Dickerson

Additional Officer
Israel Burnell Profile

Israel Burnell

Programming/Event Chair
Skylar Hall Profile

Skylar Hall

Publicity Chair
Janai Hodges Profile

Janai Hodges

Business Manager
Dionna White Profile

Dionna White

Additional Officer
Raquel Williams Profile

Raquel Williams

Community Outreach Chair
Sonali Bello Profile

Sonali Bello

Social and Cultural Co-chair


Black Students' Union

United States