
Yearly Events

While we hold our regular Large Group, Small Group, and Sunday Service on a weekly basis throughout the year, there are also special yearly events we have to get the community together, both in fellowship and in service.

All of our upcoming events are announced on our weekly newsletter sent through Mailchimp, an external mailing list service that both U of R and RIT students can have access to.

Welcome Back Picnic

As a way to welcome back our ACF community to the Rochester area, we typically have a picnic right at the start of the fall semester at the wonderful Genesee Valley Park. There's great food on the grill, fun games for everyone, and a lovely time to reconnect after a long summer away from each other.

Newcomer's Potluck

Earlier in the fall semester we also have a potluck to welcome our newcomers! Many returning ACF members whip up some great dishes for all of us to share as we get to know each other through fellowship and community bonding. Afterwards we many interactive games to get to know our newcomers!

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Thanksgiving Dinner

Like many families, our ACF family gets together every year before we leave for Thanksgiving dinner *ACF style*. PC and/or PT make wonderful turkeys, while the rest of the ACF chefs bring in sides and desserts to accompany the birds. We also play board games and many other interactive games to have fun and get to know each other more!

Note: PC also hosts Thanksgiving dinner for those who are unable to go home during the Thanksgiving break.

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Operation Christmas Child

In preparation for the Christmas season, we gather sometime in October or November for Operation Christmas Child, a mission outreach service through Samaritan's Purse. We fill shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, hygiene items, and more. We then send these boxes to children and youth all over the world.

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Winter Retreat

We start off the Spring Semester with one of our biggest events of the whole academic year: the Winter Retreat. We travel off campus to the LeTourneau Christian Center, right on Lake Canandaigua, and spend the entire weekend there. The leadership team at ACF plans 3 days of engaging with Christ and each other in an exciting and meaningful way.

We have a special speaker come and talk, a wonderful worship team to gather us in songs of praise, workshops to get us engaged in various topics, interactive games for us to have fun with each other, and an open mic night (a moment where any student can testify in front of their peers).

You DEFINITELY don't want to miss this!

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Feed the Homeless

We want to share the love of Christ not just to the students on RIT and U of R campus, but to the entire Rochester community!

Right after Spring Break, we gather to prepare a bagged lunch for the homeless community in Rochester. We pack paper bags with sandwiches, juice boxes, and other snacks, and one of our partners picks them up and helps to distribute them to the community.