Hello URSGA,
This week, URSGA has precisely one event: the Monday board games meeting, which includes our annual gift exchange and tree naming! The meeting is 7-11 pm Monday, 12/9 in Douglass 401 and festivities will begin at 8 pm in that same room. If you want to sign up for the gift exchange, please fill out this form. This is URSGA's last event of any sort for this semester (so, there's no official TCG meeting this Thursday). Since the semester is wrapping up, please return any checked-out games or books to the club on Monday. If you would like to check out an RPG book over break, talk to eboard and you may be allowed to do so.
Next, I'd like to repeat some information about SIMCON, URSGA's annual tabletop gaming convention. SIMCON 46 will run from Friday, 3/21 to Sunday, 3/23, 2025. It is free for U of R undergrads and you can preregister here. You (yes, you!) can also run an event at SIMCON - fill out this form if you have an event idea.
Jakob Riches
URSGA Secretary
Fun Fact: 720.9. A player may gain control of themselves. That player will make their own decisions and choices as normal.
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