Hello URSGA,
I hope y'all are having a nice Fall Break. Because of the break, there's no official meeting this Monday, but club members might still get together to play games (check our Discord to see what people are saying about that). There'll still be the usual trading card games (TCGs) meeting on Thursday, 7-11 pm in Wilco 122. Next week, we're co-hosting a Spooky Game Night with Towers and Tabletops on Saturday 10/26, 7:00 pm-midnight, Hawkins-Carlson room in Rush Rhees Library. Come enjoy the frightening fun of social deception games!
Now, we have some exciting announcements. First, congratulations to Louisa Van Rompay for being elected URSGA's 2024-25 Office Manager!
Second, we've purchased new games: Azul and Fantastic Factories! These games are now part of the club's collection and as such can be played at meetings or checked out for students' personal use.
Third and finally, we have a fundraiser coming up. URSGA will be selling charming little pinecone pals in the Shops @ Wilco (located between the Common Market and Ruth Merrill) this Wednesday, 10/16, through Saturday, 10/19. Prices are $2 for one pinecone, $5 for a "family" of three, or $10 for a larger, more elaborate "creature."
Jakob Riches
URSGA Secretary
Fun Fact: the art of Azul is inspired by the Portuguese and Spanish tilework form azulejo.
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