Hello URSGA,
Welcome back! This week, there is no (official) Monday board games meeting, because the semester doesn't start until Tuesday, but there will be a TCG meeting this Thursday, 7-11 pm in Wilco 122. We'll also have a table at the Winter Activities Fair this Friday, 2-3:30 in Goergen Athletic Center.
We have a few special events coming up. First, our Spring GIM is this Friday 1/24, 7-11 pm in Douglas 401. Come to learn about the club and play all sorts of games! Second, Intro to Magic: the Gathering is next Friday 1/31, 7-11 pm in Wilco 121. We’ll have everything you need to learn the world’s greatest trading card game. Third, February One-Shots Night is Saturday 2/1 in Douglass 401, with two rounds of single-session RPG adventures: 3 pm and 7pm. You can be a player or a GM in a variety of RPG systems, including (but not limited to) D&D 5e. Beginners are welcome. Please fill out this form if you wish to attend.
Next, I'd like to repeat some information about SIMCON, URSGA's annual tabletop gaming convention. SIMCON 46 will run from Friday, 3/21 to Sunday, 3/23, 2025. It is free for U of R undergrads and you can preregister here. You (yes, you!) can also run an event at SIMCON - fill out this form if you have an event idea.
Jakob Riches
URSGA Secretary
Fun Fact: 107.12. The chaos symbol is {CHAOS}.
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