Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc.

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

Sigma Psi Zeta is a progressive, multicultural, and social Greek Organization known for its history of Asian and Asian-American advocacy. Since our founding, Sigma Psi Zeta's mission has been to empower women of all ethnicity and backgrounds. Our founding values are further exemplified by our National Philanthropy: Combating Violence Against Women in all forms and across all cultures.

Eligibility for Membership

1.1 All women, including transgender women and non-binary individuals who are undergraduate students at the University of Rochester are eligible for membership; with the exception of first-semester first year students.

1.2 Sigma Psi Zeta does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, age, physical appearance, or sexual orientation.

1.3 All participants must partake in a Recruitment period in order to become acquainted with the sisters of Sigma Psi Zeta before they are eligible for membership.

1.4 All those eligible for membership will be required to complete a new member education program in which each new member will learn the importance of Asian heritages and cultures, as well as develop leadership and public speaking skills. She will also learn the various aspects of Greek Life, and the history and values of Sigma Psi Zeta.

1.5 Potential New Members must also have a minimum GPA requirement of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale.









Members Benefits

Join The Life-Time Long Strong Bonded Sisterhood

Join The First Asian-Interest Sorority on the East Coast

Strong Alumni Network

Leadership Experience

Community Service

Philanthropic Involvement

Cultural Engagement

Professional & Personal Development

...and so much more!

Our Team

Alice Lin Profile

Alice Lin

Runpeng Guo Profile

Runpeng Guo

Grace Li Profile

Grace Li

New Member Educator Assistant
Eric Pope Profile

Eric Pope

Amanda Jen Profile

Amanda Jen

Business Manager
Gina Wang Profile

Gina Wang

Jennika Robato Profile

Jennika Robato

New Member Educator
Jay Skye Profile

Jay Skye

Glenn Cerosaletti Profile

Glenn Cerosaletti

Kathy Yan Profile

Kathy Yan

Publicity Chair
Lucy Yang Profile

Lucy Yang
