- Sound, Vibrations, and Acoustical Engineering Position (Graduating Seniors)
Noise Control Engineering, LLC (NCE) is looking for a sound & vibrations/acoustics engineer to join their team in Billerica, Massachusetts. NCE is a leading engineering consulting firm with a specialization in marine and industrial noise & vibration control. Read more and apply here.
- LLE Research w/ Dr. Shuai Zhang
Dr. Shuai Zhang is looking for undergraduate research assistants to help with the High Energy Density Theory Group’s computational study of defects in materials under extreme conditions. The position requires a commitment of 4-10 hours of research a week and previous class experience in solid-state physics, quantum mechanics, physical chemistry, thermodynamics, or similar courses. For more information or application specifics, reach out to us.
- Tau Beta Pi Engineering Office Hours
Tau Beta Pi, a University engineering honor society, hosts weekly office hours to help engineering students with homework, projects, and more. Their OHs are every Sunday in Genesee 325 from 2-5 pm.
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