Meliora Finance & Investment Group

Become a part of our team


Who we are

The Meliora Finance and Investment Group is an undergraduate organization that seeks to elevate the skill set of students with investment and finance related interests. Our club reviews techniques for stock valuation and business analysis in a simulated work environment. Advice for casual investing, academic planning, and personal presentation is also provided. No prior experience is needed. Our goal is to teach personal money management as well as the technical skills necessary to succeed in a finance related career.

What you'll do

Meliora Finance and Investment group members will be assigned into one of four sectors to study a specific industry group. Sectors will be run by a student Analyst Director who will teach various company valuation and analysis strategies used at a professional level. These sectors will meet weekly to select and pitch a company for the school endowment at our end-of-semester stock pitch event. General meetings will also be held weekly to make announcements and teach personal wealth management. These are a great opportunity to meet club members outside of your sector and participate in the larger organization.

Where to Find Us

Weekly meetings will take place in Morey 321. The building can be found on the academic quad left of the Rush Rhees Library. [Due to COVID-19 all meetings will take place virtually]










Max Naples-Norani Profile

Max Naples-Norani

Rj Cui Profile

Rj Cui

Piper Burdick Profile

Piper Burdick

Nurdaulet Kaishibayev Profile

Nurdaulet Kaishibayev

Business Manager
Aheri Basu Profile

Aheri Basu

Megan Wu Profile

Megan Wu

Cat Crawford Profile

Cat Crawford

Michael Ng Profile

Michael Ng