Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity, Inc.

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

We, the brothers of Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity, Inc., strongly believe that many individual and collective successes can be achieved through the efforts of a culturally diverse brotherhood of college and university men who, through close association with each other, maintain honesty, commitment, respect, and trust. The maintenance of these qualities is nurtured in large part through the diversity of culture and through self-awareness and self-respect. Among the results of actions taken in these states of being are the promotion of friendship and Brotherhood, the development of individual character, the advancement of justice and opportunity, and the acquisition of soundness and excellence in education. This is the foundation of our brotherhood! Men will always be considered, regardless of other identities the potential member holds. This is inclusive of cisgender men and transgender men. Identities that may be considered for membership include non-binary, gender nonconforming individuals who are committed to the advancement of manhood. Identities that will not be considered regardless of belief in manhood are cisgender women, what we define as a person designated female at birth and identify as a woman. No member is required to provide documentation regarding their gender. We welcome all men as they self-identify. Additionally, all gender expressions of students extended membership are welcome in our organization.









Members Benefits

We hold all of our undergraduate members to a standard of academic excellence. Afterall, the purpose of attending a university is to graduate with a degree, and our brothers want to ensure that goal is met in a timely manner. As such, LSU requires that all active members maintain a semester G.P.A. of at least a 2.5 to remain active. Active undergraduates have the opportunity to host chapter-related functions on campus, participate in chapter and regional executive boards, engage with interests and new members on Fraternity matters, attend LSU events at a discounted price, attend LSU regional and national conventions, apply for LSU Foundation scholarships, and gain full member access to member network on this national website.

Events & Activities

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Exclusive Resources

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team

Eric Pope Profile

Eric Pope

Diego De Los Santos Profile

Diego De Los Santos

Additional Officer
Jay Skye Profile

Jay Skye



Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino Fraternity, Inc.

United States