Weekly updates:
GMM Reminder
Our next GMM is Sunday, October 6th at 2pm in Havens Lounge. These meetings are mandatory for all members. If you have any questions, concerns, or conflicts you must reach out to an eboard member to be excused.
Competition Registration
Anyone planning to compete at the NYU Violet Ice Classic must set up a Zoom meeting with Gabby. If you have a good understanding of the event(s) you want to register for (ie. you have previous competition experience), please email her with the event(s) and your relevant test levels and/or competitive floor. If you do not meet with Gabby on or before Wednesday, October 2nd, you will not be able to compete at NYU.
The registration deadline is October 9th at 11:59 pm. Late entries will be accepted for an additional 24 hours with a $10 late fee. We will go over how to register for events at our mandatory GMM on Sunday, October 6th at 2 pm. You are welcome to do this step before the GMM if you are familiar with the process. Here is Gabby’s email: gricha10@u.rochester.edu
Practice Schedule
Tuesday (1:30-3 at GVP ice rink) is a recreational practice. Competitive members are welcome to practice, but the sign up to work with Challen is only for recreational members. Here are the links:
group 1 From 2-2:30, 8 spots
group 2 From 2:30-3, 8 spots
Reminder that in order to work with Challen you must have paid dues!
If you haven't already, please join our slack channel!